Wednesday, May 26, 2010

When I Grow Up...

"McKinna, what is this?"

"My paper from school."

"What does it say?"

"But, mom I want to be a teacher."

"McKinna I have told you a thousand times, think of something else, how about a nurse, a speech therapist, an ultrasound technician, a veterinatrian. You can do anything you want to do."

"But I want to be a teacher."


"Bodin, why did you put that you want to be a plane checker?"

"I really want to be a super hero mom, but Mrs. Duckett wouldn't let me put that."

"Honey, if you want to be a super hero GO FOR IT!" If not, let's think of something other than a plane checker so you can push the buttons:).

1 comment:

The Merkleys said...

That is GREAT!! Bodin makes me laugh! I can totally see McKinna being a teacher so good luck with that.