Thursday, May 13, 2010

What a Big Boy!

After months of looking at McKade at naptime like this...

(this is looking at him under the door. He jumps out of his bed and sleeps by the door)
I can now enjoy my nights as he sleeps in his big boy bed. He waves and says night night and runs off.

He still does not take his naps in his bed, but I will take him there at bedtime. Now if I can just keep Bodin in his bed. He has always been my bed hopper. In the middle of the night he goes wandering and sneaks into whatever bed he can get into. He is a little scared at nightime and this is his coping method. He will not sleep with McKade though because McKade hits and pinches him at night. Maybe we should all start doing this and he won't try to sleep with us either:).

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