Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day 2009

I knew that I would be alone today as Ben has to work on Sundays. That day starts off great. The kids sleep in and I walk downstairs to find chocolates and cards on the table. I then remember that I planned on getting up early to start the roast in the crockpot. I sure hope it gets done in time. Bodin and McKinna come down a little later and give me their cards. I open McKinna's and it sings "Like a bird I sing". This is her favorite song and soooo perfect coming from her. Bodin gives me his. (After he bought it he told me it was a Batman card. He then kept asking if I really want a Superhero card). I open it and it is Snoopy singing to me. It says that he is singing the Mom-Bo. A perfect card from him and he thought he was hilarious making me think it was Batman. Onto eating the chocolates for breakfast. I guess I should get McKade out of bed. Nasty, he has peed all over his bed. To the tub we go and then to start laundry and bleaching his mattress.

At about 8:30 I get a phone call from my friend Natalie. She is at the hospital in labor and wants to know if I can watch her kids. Her son got heat exhasution while they went out boating yesterday. (HMMM, I can't figure out why she is in labor a month early). Okay, send them over. About an hour later I walk downstairs to find puke all over my floor. I have the talk with her son that we puke in the toilet. He also has a temp of 101.5. This is not heat exhaustion, he has the flu. He is sentenced to the couch and is not allowed to leave except to puke in the toilet. I have been bleaching my entire house all day and watching a sick kid. If you are thinking about having children this is a typical Mothers' Day. I am praying that my kids don't get sick and I can have my house ready for company tonight. Her son will then be sentenced to a bedroom laying on his blanket. He needs a nap anyway:). Just a head's up Sonia, I am going to your cabin next year on Mother's Day. Invited or not! Hee Hee.

I do love my children though and am so thankful that I have them to celebrate Mother's Day with. They are my life!!


Anonymous said...

Poor Shani...I HATE Mother's Day! I complain how much I hate it every year...because being stuck in your house on a Sunday while still doing all your motherly NOT a! That is why I decided to head to the cabin with my mom and are more than welcome next year. I plan on making it a yearly tradition! Hope you don't get the flu....yuck!

Widdison Warbler said...

Well, as bad as that was, it sounds much better than my mother's Day! Ask me and I'll tell you, otherwise I can't post it! Love you!

Natalie Newman Williams said...

I'm sooooo sorry!!!