Saturday, April 3, 2010

I have strawberries coming out my ears!

We had Jaiden here on Friday, so we decided that it would be fun to go down to the Froberg strawberry farm. Little did we know that Good Friday is the busiest day of the year at the Froberg farm. That was okay, we got there early and had a lot of fun. We did not want any of the kids to feel jipped so we let them each fill their own bucket of strawberries, so here we are $30 worth of strawberries later.

We came home and made homemade strawberry jam, we took some strawberries to the neighbors, we made homemade strawberry ice cream, strawberry fruit roll-ups, we got up this morning and made pancakes with homemade strawberry syrup (this was delicious and super easy), and we are making a couple strawberry shortcakes to take to an Easter dinner tomorrow night. I am sure we will still have a few left to munch on. The good thing is that you can never get sick of strawberries!

1 comment:

The DeSpain Family said...

Yumm! That looks like so much fun! I love that picture of McKade, he's so cute.