Monday, November 25, 2013


I was driving McKade and Journey home from their preschool, Camelot Kids, the other day.  This conversation took place in the back seat.
McKade: Journey, you are going to have to marry a dad one day and it can't be me.
Journey:  No
Journey:  You are going to have to marry a mom. 
McKade:  I am not getting married.  I am just going to have kids and a dog.
Me:  Um, you have to get married before you have kids.
McKade:  I will just have a dog then.
Journey:  Me too!

1 comment:

The Merkleys said...

hahahahahaha!!!! You will save money on weddings. Can't wait to see if their dogs will be weird or HUGE. I'm not sure you guys are capable of having a normal animal :)