Saturday, November 28, 2009

The toilet

McKade's new favorite thing is the toilet, well actually just throwing everything into the toilet. Last week he discovered it and had it full of nerf balls when I went to use it--to the trash they went. Today he was combing his hair, one of his favorite past times while I am getting ready in the morning. I then hear a splash, into the toilet they go. Later this morning Ben goes in to use the downstairs toilet, when I hear mumblings coming out. This time it is Bodin's shoe. I swear we watch him and try to keep the bathroom doors closed at all times. He is a sneaky little pooper.

1 comment:

Kristin Coppee said...

Oh man! OK, first of all - I HATE toilets. I hate cleaning them, I hate touching them, I hate being anywhere near them - period! Second of all - I HATE when my girls want to play near them or put their hands all over it during and after using it. It's like they just have to caress it all the time. EW! I hate toilets! I'm so sorry. This has me scared for when Zander becomes old enough to get around.