Friday, May 4, 2012

Get up, you will be fine!

McKinna likes to write stories and is an fantastically excellent writer. Here are a few samples she brought home from school that I thought were cute.
Isn't Journey a sweetheart.
Excuse the red marker on this one, the fantastically sweet Journey got to it. Anyway, after I read this one I couldn't help but laugh. "McKinna is this a true story?" "Yes "Mom, but I had to add a little to it." "Ya, my response would never be Sweetie, are you okay?" "I know, you would say...Get up, you are fine." There you have it, I am a very unsympathetic mom, sorry kids...Get up, You will be fine!


Sanfilippo said...

Ha! I think that response runs in the family :)

Jenny said...

Okay, you crack me up. That's awesome that she sweetened up the story. :) And I love the one about Journey---so glad you blogged it so Journey can read it when she's bigger.