McKinna has been so excited for her birthday, I mean it was the perfect day for her. She started off by having a field trip to the Houston Art Musuem (which she came home and told me that there was some very inappropriate artwork of naked boys there). I then met her at school with some cookies for her class. They loved that. She played with a couple friends that afternoon and then had a little girl named Madison come over to stay the night. She chose to have ravioli for her birthday dinner this year and then strawberry shortcake for dessert. YUM! We love McKinna so much! She has really started to mature this year. She has started to become more responsible and she has even chilled with some of her crazy drama. For instance, she fell down the other night while roller blading, it was a fall that you could tell hurt. Ben and I waited for the crazy scream to come that she does...I mean you can hear this scream for miles around and people will run out of their houses expecting to see blood gushing from every pore of her body. We waited some more and NOTHING came. Amazing! This was a first and you better believe I let her know how impressed we were. She adores her siblings. One of her favorite things to do with her friends is to take Journey into her room and play house with her. Of course, McKade loves to go in and play with them too, but they only want Journey in there. She got some good gifts this year. Ben and I got her an MP3 player which she let me know was her favorite gift. She told me we knew to get it for her because she loves to sing. She had that thing in her ears all day today while she belted out her songs. We love you McKinna. Happy 9th birthday
Grieving is a lifelong experience
11 years ago
She was telling me all about her mp3 player today in primary---she's so excited about it! :)
She has grown up so much! It brings a tear to my eye, I still long for those beach days of just Colton and McKinna! I'm glad to hear she has finally grown out of that scream of hers, she really could kill your ear drums when she was little! Colton wants an MP3 really bad too, I guess I'll give in and get him one. You guys are awesome! Love ya McKinna!!!!
That was the perfect gift for her! Happy Birthday McKinna we'll send ya some more music to put on it.
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