This past week was one of the worst weeks ever. It started off wth me. Next to Bill (Shani's dad) I get the strangest viruses/sicknesses. The weekend of Sep 20th the top of my head started to get sore. My hair was very tender to the touch (yes, my hair). I could only compare it to cat’s whiskers except for when my hair was touched it would register pain. I thought nothing of it because other than that I was not feeling sick.
Well by Wednesday my head was really hurting. The pain started drifting down to my left ear, felt like a bad ear infection, and my left tonsil, felt swollen and felt like it was being ripped open when I ate. I decided to go to the Doc's to find out what I had. Strep? NO! Ear infection? NOPE! That can only leave one possible answer, THE SHINGLES, DUH!
What the..... Who in the heck gets shingles on their head? To top it off, he tells me the same thing every Doc tells me when I go in. "Your to young to have this" I hear it all the time.
So I stay home from work for three days and what happens, Shani comes down with the flu! I’m suppose to feel sorry for her but all I can think of is "Oh great, I'm going to get that too and be out of work for another week!!" SORRY SHANI, I DO LOVE YOU AND FELT BAD FOR YOU.
Well as all of you know, crap rolls down hill and all the kids get sick having 104 and 105 temps, freaked me out!! Funny thing was, it didn't bother McKinna one bit, she was fine, until she got an ear infection. Talk about sleepless nights!! Good thing I wasn't working.
Everyone is back to normal now, with the exception of McKinna with her ear infection and my shingled up head which still hurts like HE double hock sticks. I had them on my stomach about 4 years ago and they are really painful but what can I do?
Here is to anyone sick and having a bad day!
Grieving is a lifelong experience
11 years ago
Oh man! That's awful! So glad you guys are all done with that crap! Shingles on your head? I have no idea how painful that is. I've only heard.
I hate being sick, but having the shingles I heard is really painful! Glad you are all doing better...tis the season (flu season!)
Love you all, take care!
Mom Schaub
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