Friday, May 4, 2012

Kade's eye trick

A few weeks ago while driving down the road, McKade says, "Mom, I can see two of you." I flip around and see he has discovered cross eyes, however his are cooler, one eye crosses and the other one does not move. He proceeds to do it all through Target. He would now like to show all he meets his cool eye trick.
I bet you can't do that!

Get up, you will be fine!

McKinna likes to write stories and is an fantastically excellent writer. Here are a few samples she brought home from school that I thought were cute.
Isn't Journey a sweetheart.
Excuse the red marker on this one, the fantastically sweet Journey got to it. Anyway, after I read this one I couldn't help but laugh. "McKinna is this a true story?" "Yes "Mom, but I had to add a little to it." "Ya, my response would never be Sweetie, are you okay?" "I know, you would say...Get up, you are fine." There you have it, I am a very unsympathetic mom, sorry kids...Get up, You will be fine!