Journey is doing great. We were soooo excited Christmas day when we walked into the NICU and she was out of the incubator. It is so hard to see them in their little space ship. Seeing her in the regular little baby convertible hospital bed made her seem totally normal. Then yesterday she got to get the IV's out of her arm. Yes, progress is being made. I let the doctor know that my kids are not even sure that she truly exists because they have not got to see her yet, so the nice doc. went around and told all of the nurses that some kids would be coming to the first NICU window, but please pretend you don't see them. (You see the rule at this time of year is that kids under 12 can not even go onto the second floor of the hospital.) I went home and told the kids that they got to come to the hospital to see Journey. They were so excited. The one that surprised me was McKade. I did not think that he would even have a clue what was going on. The second I held her up to the window McKade's eyes lit up and the biggest smile I have ever seen spread over his face. He stayed like this the entire time he got to see her. I had told Ben from the beginning of this pregnancy that McKade needed to bring his little friend down to Earth with him and I believe that is exactly what happened. I can't wait for the two of them to grow up together.
I went into the NICU last night to feed Journey and found out that she has lost some weight being out of the incubator. She is able to keep her body temp. up really well, but this takes calories to do, calories that she can not afford to use for this. The doctor says that it is not a lack of eating that is making her lose weight, because she is peeing and pooping enough for 3 babies. We are packing the calories into her. So here we go back into the incubator. It was really hard to take this step back and the doctor says we should not see it as a step back (ya right). She has to stay in the incubator until she at least gets back up to her birth weight. She is down to 3 lbs. 10 oz now. Hopefully she will start to fatten up soon.
Grieving is a lifelong experience
11 years ago